Is your date your bestie? On Friendships, dating and romantic boundaries
Let a man/more privileged person earn your friendship through consistent respect, compassion and reciprocity instead of assuming it in dating.
triggers and personal responsibility: The answer is so not what you think.
Relationships are partnerships. What affects one person should be significant to the other person/people.
“Needy” isn’t a thing, baby.
I meet women/nonmen with the most basic bare minimum needs feeling needy in relationships.
Are you a placeholder or a game changer? a feminist myth buster
Placeholders shouldn't exist but folks can be framed as such because sexist, racist, fatphobic oppression is pervasive.
be cognizant of these three hidden dynamics common to toxic relationships
If you've ever stayed in a toxic relationship, this reflection addresses dynamics you may have experienced and proposes paths to healing.
top asooli tips for optimizing your dating profile for attracting your best fit matches
My top tips for optimizing your dating profiles for finding your most compatible matches.
what to do if you’re stuck in the pursuer-chaser dynamic in relationships or dating
In Gottman research as well as other studies, this dynamic was shown to be rather common in divorced couples. The pursuers will usually be more invested in fixing the distancing and disengagement, so change often begins with them stepping back from pursuit mode.
How to navigate the patriarchal “skills GAp” between men and women/nonmen in relationships
A common question women/nonmen ask me is about being further ahead in relational skills and not knowing how long to wait for a partner (often a man) to catch up.
Criticism and escalating conflict in relationships: What to try instead
When feeling criticism is the best way to get our needs met, remember that it doesn't come from a place of deep regard, vulnerability about your own needs, concerns, fears and priorities.
Reflection prompts for healing people pleasing and guilt around setting boundaries
So let's talk about feeling guilty about setting boundaries, because it's a very common concern folks have, including many clients. If you struggle with people-pleasing, this is for you.
On settling and waiting, in marriage, relationships or even dating
Who are you waiting on? Who is expected to be waiting on you? Who is more or less invested? What is being offered or withheld?
Receiving stress release/Burnout recovery/ Trauma sensitive Relationship support is life saving work.
Receiving stress release/Burnout recovery/ Trauma sensitive Relationship support is life saving work.
Providing above support to burned out, exhausted, often undermined, deeply marginalized nonmen is life saving work.